The Source for Risk Management Courses

Copyright ©2024-2025 Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is an emerging business practice and capability in the public and private sectors. Companies that adopt an ERM risk management approach have experienced significant improvement in business performance. 

Imagine an organization's success if employees knew how to practice it!

However, many professionals find ERM risk management challenging to learn because they don't understand how all the components of ERM work together.  

A LinkedIn poll by Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC found that 53% of professionals want to learn ERM-risk management but need help understanding it. 

That's where the Flip This Risk Academy comes in.

Today's ERM Risk Management Training Model Is Flawed! 

We Have A Better Solution! 

Most training approaches are one-dimensional and only focus on the technical aspects of ERM.  

After 20+ years of practicing, teaching, and researching ERM, we finally CRACKED THE CODE into why so many people find it challenging to learn ERM risk management! 

So we created a multi-dimensional training method that will simplify and accelerate your learning.

We call it the TNP-C Model 

When you complete courses in our signature learning Model, you will gain the confidence to hold intelligent conversations about ERM risk management with anyone, anywhere, at any time!... Even with your boss! 

Why? Because our courses are strategically crafted to solve our ideal learners' most pressing problem:  not understanding Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)!

 What People Are Saying About Us

The Academy offers courses in various topics, including supply chain risk, human capital risk, aviation risk, tax administration risk, port authority risk, technology risk, and much more!

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